Dunno’s stories by Nikolai Nosov

Dunno’s stories by Nikolai Nosov – Sinhala Translations

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Weda beri dasa sangeetha kaarayek una heti


Weda beri dasa chithra shilpiyek wunu heti


Weda beri dasa gaman giya heti


Weda beri dasa guwane pawena belumal sedeemata daksapala kalapana kala heti


Weda beri dasa – Kusum puraye wamanayo

Dunno’s stories

Dunno, or Know-Nothing . The character is created by Soviet children’s writer Nikolay Nosov. The idea of the character comes from the books of Palmer Cox.

Dunno, recognized by his bright blue hat, canary-yellow trousers, orange shirt, and green tie, is the title character of Nosov’s world-famous trilogy, The Adventures of Dunno and his Friends (1954), Dunno in Sun City (1958), and Dunno on the Moon (1966). There have been several movie adaptations of the books.


Nikolai Nosov


Nikolai Nosov was a Soviet children’s literature writer, the author of a number of humorous short stories, a school novel, and the popular trilogy of fairy tale novels about the adventures of Neznaika and his friends.

Long-term fame and love of readers were gained by his fairy stories about Dunno (Neznaika). The first of those is the fairy tale Vintik, Shpuntik and vacuum cleaner. Further the hero appeared in the famous trilogy consisting of fairy tale novels The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends (1953–1954), Dunno in Sun City (1958), and Dunno on the Moon (1964–1965).

From Wikipedia